***Registration for this workshop is now closed. If you're interested in learning about future workshops, please sign up here for our weekly letter where they'll be announced.***
You're ready to do worldchanging work. During the month of February, I'm offering a one-time workshop to help you succeed.
You're working to tackle the planetary crisis we face. You also know that—whether you work for clients, investors or causes—without economic acumen, no good idea goes very far. You're looking for ways to deliver better financial results while honing your work and increasing its impact. And if you're like most of your peers, sometimes, maybe even often, that feels like a distant goal.
I want to help you plot a faster path to that success, not through some quick-money scheme or trite maxims for getting ahead, but through sharing my own methods for thinking through the strategic foresight problems you face. My goal is to help you develop your own foresight skills to leverage your expertise and talent into greater success and more worldchanging results.
That's why I've put together this one-month workshop. It's the core of my strategic foresight practice, distilled into three seminars. Those seminars are supplemented with online conversations about how to use the resulting insights to transform the work you do, deepening impact while raising returns (however you measure them). I'll share my own approaches and experiences, tools for foresight and a process for for deepening your strategic vision and plans to bring in more clients, customers and/or investors. Based on the feedback I've gotten from other clients, I feel safe saying that the insights that you gain might just change how you think about your work and career. This is a unique opportunity to get no-bull advice gleaned from working at the very forefront of sustainability, business and social change strategy. And for the first time, I'm making my work available to individuals.
There is a catch: I want your feedback. I'm in the process of developing this work into a high-level strategic leadership retreat, showing why, over even the fairly short term, strategies that treat planetary limits and large-scale change as fundamentals of the strategic environment —rather than distant constraints—are winning strategies, ones that enable huge upsides while shielding stakeholders from needless risk. I'm offering you the core of this material, at a steep discount, on the condition that you'll give me honest feedback about what works and doesn't work for you (in practical terms, that means responding to a feedback form at the end of the workshop, and a voluntary follow-up exit interview).
- Three 90-minute video seminars, where I'll walk you through how to understand our planetary crisis as a strategic bottleneck, how to anticipate the opportunities that bottleneck creates and how to turn that foresight skill into competitive advantage.
- February 3rd: The Bottleneck
- February 10th: Opportunities After the Bottleneck
- February 17th: Narrows Strategies as Competitive Advantage
- Ongoing online question-and-answer opportunities.
- Group discussion with opportunities to network with other participants.
- Weekly readings and a take-away summary paper.
- A final deep-dive group call on February 24th.
- Tuition is $1285 (more than 80% less than the expected tuition for the full offering).
- There are a very limited number of places. This is a one-time offer.
- Seminars run from 9:00-10:30 a.m. U.S. Pacific time on February 3rd, 10th, and 17th; final call February 24th.
- We're offering a small number of scholarships to emerging leaders whose present financial circumstances would otherwise preclude their involvement. Click here to apply.
"There are two kinds of futurists. The first explore the variations of what exists and project the future from those tea leaves. The second, and by far the rarer, peer around the curve of time and reimagine the future as much as foresee it. Alex Steffen is the latter!"
-Paul Hawken, author of Natural Capitalism and CEO, OneSun
"When CEOs want to navigate the world's mega-challenges and prepare for a volatile world, they look to business strategists like me. And when business strategists want to challenge and hone their own thinking about what the future will look like, we look to Alex Steffen."
–Andrew Winston, environmental strategist, author of The Big Pivot and Green to Gold
"Alex Steffen delivers foresight that's powerful even for professional futurists. His ability to envision the underlying structures of change brings clarity, purpose and inspiration out of the fog of future possibilities."
–James Goodman, Director of Futures, Forum for the Future
"Want to know what greens will be talking about in a few years? Follow Alex Steffen. He’s talking about it today."
–David Roberts, Grist.org